Chuck was born in Indiana in 1923. He married the .. love of his life .. in January 1945. Chuck shared that meeting and marrying his wife were the most memorable moments of his life. Of course, the birth of his children rank right up there as well!
At the age of 16, he got a job washing dishes. Later in life, Chuck worked for the Frisco Rail Road but that involved a lot of traveling and being away from his family. His wife wasn’t fond of that and so he gave it up to work for a Gospel Publishing Company. That is where he began working in inking and then later moved to the printing press. He made his mark on the world by spreading the word of the gospel for over 30 years and made many happy memories as well.
Chuck has lived here at Joy for a couple of years. They discovered Joy when his son was driving by one day and noticed how nice it looked. They decided to check it out and he quickly made the decision to make it his home. Chuck says he would recommend Joy to anyone needing assisted living.
Sue was born in California in 1937 but also lived in Las Vegas, Reno and Tahoe. She worked in casinos as a card dealer and says she passed around “almost everything but the dice”. Although she held other jobs, including work at a law office, her favorite job was working for temp services. She got to meet all types of people and says if you like meeting different people, temp services is a way to do just that!
Sue was a member of 4H and by the time she was 13 years old, she was making her own clothing and it was “very stylish”. She said Coco ChaneI was one of the big designers at that time.
President Roosevelt gave a speech about Pearl Harbor and Sue remembers that well. Before John F. Kennedy became President she got to listen to him and was fortunate enough to actually meet Ted Kennedy and his wife, in person.
A magical time in Sue’s life was when she attended a Neil Diamond concert. Hearing him sing in person was truly a “magical” moment for her.
Sue has lived here at Joy for over 8 years and really enjoys the activities. She loves to be able to get out
and about, especially when it's to go shopping.
Anita was born in 1931 and raised right here in Springfield, MO. She and her husband of 50 years raised 3 active kids. The Springfield public school system was fortunate to have her as a cook for many years.
When Anita and her family decided it was time for her to live where she could get some needed help, they chose Joy Assisted Living. Her favorite hobby used to be crocheting but now her hands make that difficult so she’s turned to reading instead. Anita loves going on country drives and getting out, as well as spending time with her friends and being able to visit with them throughout the day or evening. She says she’s made some really good friends here and how could anyone not want to be her friend, when they see that big smile on her face!